Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Supports

In all aspects of my life, I seek God to help me endure and overcome daily encounters.  In my personal life, I depend on my significant other, Brad, to help me as I encounter daily family challenges.  He helps motivate and encourage me in most of those type of endeavors.  My mom is another key supporter in my life.  I turn to her for parenting and spiritual support.  I have a select few of close girlfriends that I lean on for additional support.

In my professional life, I have select mentors I turn to for support.  My former military supervisor, Lenka, is always a phone call or email away.  I met her in 2001, and she continues to give me leadership advice and insight.  My former ECE supervisor, is another professional support I have.  I connect with her regularly to help me improve my teaching methods.  Normally when things are too crazy at work, she is my first contact of finding a quick solution or making sense of it all.  My paraprofessional, Lisa, is a major help and support in my life.  Our relationship is very important and I love the bond we have formed.  The support she provides in the classroom, helps me get a lot of administrative things done.

One challenge I can imagine is when I start my own early learning center.  I think of the different support systems I will need; financially, spiritually, and physically.  I will need support launching the business and maintaining it.  I've already completed the business blueprint.  Now, I have to find solutions to possible problems.  For example, finding substitute child care providers and teachers to assist when permanent staff is unavailable.  Another concern is making sure professional development is current and being implemented within the program.  Having support and partnerships with families and other community businesses will also be beneficial to the success of every child that enters the program.   Having enough well trained and educated staff is the key in the school functioning appropriately and at a high quality capacity.  Without administrative support, front office support, or generic support, the early learning system would be ineffective.


  1. Your blog is very passionate and honest so I know you will have a great center. I'm sure there will be challenges but your center will be a success.

  2. Hello!! I loved your post and I did not think about how having a mentor was a big support and help to me. I have a coworker that has been a huge blessing to my life, she has always been there for me when I needed her most, so I know firsthand how that feels. Good luck on future endeavors and much success to you and yours!!

  3. even though I used my family as my support system we all know that "HE" is our true source of support!!!!!!!

    The one who covers the family members that I love so dearly

  4. Shonda,

    I reflected as well on my professional family as a source of support. While I didn't specifically mentioned in on my blog, I definitely consider my co-worker as a huge source of educational support. She will help me think outside of the box and give me a fresh perspective on something I think I already know. I have surely grown from the professional support I receive daily during my work days. Thank you for reminding me of this wonderful, unique type of support.

