Monday, June 30, 2014

Issues I have within ECE

Welcome colleagues to our last course of graduate school!  Brace yourselves, I have a lot to share during our practical starting with the issues I have in the early learning field.

  Wordle: Issues I have in ECE


  1. I am excited about your enthusiasm and look forward to learning as much as I can from you!!

  2. Hi Shonda,
    Thanks for sharing your Wordle here! I like how you made the word "lack" the biggest and then surrounded it with things that children, families, and professionals in the field need more support for. I am looking forward to sharing this last stage in our journey to completing our Master's degrees in Early Childhood Studies!

  3. Hello Shonda,
    Your words cloud is very unique. However, there are so many things that are really lacking in the field of early childhood education, that we as advocated have to work extremely hard to bridge the gap between the early childhood centers and the wider communities. Moreover, given the complex issues which confront the early childhood centers today, they cannot continue to function as isolated segments of society. Good post.
